Ways to Make Your Assisted Living Facility More Pet Friendly – Pets For Seniors

they can pose a risk and cause problems in the event of poor surveillance or insufficient space for living. This can be a danger to employees or residents. This is often because staff or residents do not adhere to odor/poopy controls procedures. Pet-friendly communities are those where employees and residents have had adequate training in handling pet animals. Facilities can help address the challenges that come with caring for someone with dementia by creating an environment which is pet-friendly. Pets can make a person feel more secure and less isolated.

The creation of a pet policy is crucial if your establishment is deciding to make it pet-friendly. The policy covers all aspects from the types of animals are allowed and what breeds are prohibited and how the residents must manage their pet. This policy must be made public by senior-care facilities and included in every resident’s records. In this way, everybody knows the guidelines of the establishment about keeping their pets. Naturally, the care of pets isn’t just something that is governed by policies and rules. Leadership is key. Because of this, it is critical to have an effective leader that can help facilitate interaction between staff members and residents. Training should also be ongoing in order to keep staff and residents informed about pet methods of handling.

Staff members must be taught how to handle pets who do not like or have issues. A customized training in handling animals is necessary for all residents and staff. Every situation is different , and requires a different method. If your institution doesn’t have the resources or training that it can provide on its own. If that is the case, your local shelter for animals might offer information about the issues with pets that may arise in assisted living facilities. It is also important to learn how to properly document your pet, clean up after the toilet of your pet and manage any medical emergencies.

Request input from residents on Pet Policies

