lants. Dentistry provides a secure and feasible solution through a dental implant. Dental problems are typically caused by injury, decay or aging. Implants are artificial teeth roots that have been surgically placed inside the jawbone under the gum line. It bonds with your jawbone to create a firm basis for your tooth.
In addition to acting as a source of root the dental implant also strengthens and helps preserve the bone structure. A crown , which replaces the tooth rests on the implant. Secure dentures and a bridge can serve to help support the missing teeth of multiple people. Implants can last for a long time if taken care of properly. This makes it an ideal substitute for a missing tooth.
There are various kinds of dental implants based on the amount of missing teeth. The more teeth that are missing, the more costly the implant. One of the most commonly used is 1-tooth implant, which is typically able to support a single tooth. An implant could support as many as three teeth however it’s also known as a 3-on-1 implant. wsg1p8d3tw.