Tips to Avoid Mistakes During Your Divorce Case – Legal Videos

Be sure that everything is running smoothly. Here are some helpful tips to avoid pitfalls in your divorce settlement.

The video features lawyers explaining that they received a call from a client one year after he had divorced. He was concerned about the settlement. He was able to purchase the property from her and then refinance it to put his name on the title (it wasn’t in place at the time of the divorce).

The issue was that he had tax issues and problems with refinancing. He was also in violation of the 90-day limit. He planned to contact another divorce lawyer to determine if it was possible to get the house. But it went way over his expectations. There was no chance to obtain the property now.

It was a problem that his name was not even listed on the title deed in the first place. The man also didn’t review his credit and tax situation that slowed the refinancing time. It would’ve been a much better choice for the lawyer to have argued for the homeowner to receive a payment for his part of the property and for the wife to keep possession.

For additional information you can watch the above video.
