What You Didnt Know About Pizza – Food Talk Online

14,000 books about pizza. There are many different types of pizza which customers are able to take pleasure in. They have New York style, Chicago Deep Dish, Sicilian, Detroit filled, grilled and frozen.

Pizza was first served in Naples using oil and herbs by Romans and Greeks. In the early days, pizza was often referred to as flatbread among the poor. In 1889 the royal couple of the Italian monarch and wife Margarita went to Naples. A chef created a pizza in honor of the Italian flag for their visit. For this pizza, the chef made use of tomatoes, basil and mozzarella cheese. Margarita Pizza was the title that this pizza is given because of the wife of the King.

In 1905, the first pizza place was opened in New York, called Lombardi’s. Marketing and the drive to make pizza a sought-after option following World War II led to the rise in its popularity. In 2012, pizza sales reached 36 billion dollars. It is now one of the most popular foods across America. United States, old in restaurants, cafes, grocery supermarkets, as well as food trucks. rcyd7s3jfo.